03.23.18 | montessori celebration of birth and life take 2

03.23.18 | montessori celebration of birth and life take 2

03.23.18 | montessori celebration of birth and life take 2Post 1,543: Day 82/365

Since I fell so far behind last year with my daily posts (and yes, I’m falling behind again this year but I’m trying to catch up…) I never had the chance to post my daughter’s first experience with the Montessori Celebration of Birth and Life at her school. Her’s had to be postponed a bit this year due to schedule conflicts and snow days, but it’s still near enough to her birthday to be relevant. The way it’s done is the birthday child holds a globe and walks around a circle on the floor that represents the sun. Surrouding the circle are 12 square representing each month of the year. Each complete walk around the sun represents a year in the child’s life. They stop after each circle and talk about things they did at that age – milestones, activities, important life events, etc. Last year she walked around 6 times and this year she added an extra year and did 7. It’s such a fantastic way to celebrate a birthday! Maybe I’ll get around to catching up from last year and post the photo I took when she turned 6…

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